
Bringing the facts, stories and meanings of the Holocaust to a younger generation.

Can there be anyone in the UK who doesn't know about the Nazi Holocaust? Surprisingly, yes. And beyond those who are simply unaware, there are others who are determined to either undermine its scale or to reject its existence in totality.

That's why we exist as a museum and as a centre of learning and education. At its simplest, The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazi regime and its collaborators to murder all of European Jewry during the Second World War, along with other minorities they judged to be 'inferior'. This genocidal policy evolved during the war as the Nazi regime gained more territory, and as more Jewish people came under their control. It culminated in the so called “Final Solution”, the extermination of every living Jew. In the event, the Nazis were finally defeated. Yet not before two-thirds of the European Jewish population - a staggering six million Jewish men, women and children - were brutally and horrifically murdered on an industrial scale, never before seen by mankind.


“The mission of the UK National holocaust museum is to present exhibitions, films and immersive learning experiences, based on the Holocaust, that encourage critical thinking about the conspiracy theories and disinformation which drive racism... so people can challenge that disinformation.”

The National Holocaust Centre & Museum

The National Holocaust Centre & Museum is the world’s only place of Holocaust remembrance and learning founded by Christians. The remarkable Smith family first set it up in 1995 in their own farmhouse. We now educate over 100,000 people annually. Our purpose is to encourage personal responsibility and a sense of hope. By exploring the lessons of the Holocaust through world-leading immersive exhibitions, films and learning experiences, and by enabling the public to meet and talk to a family of Holocaust survivors for whom we have now been a home-from-home for over 25 years, we aim to encourage critical thinking about the conspiracy theories and disinformation which drives racism... so people can challenge that disinformation today.


To see more of what we do, click here.